Taros System: 4 planets (l-IV), 1 Inhabitable (Taros II)

Size: Equatorial distance: 16,000 miles

Gravity: .96G

Satellites: 2 moons

Population: 12,000,000 approx (human and abhuman)

Rotation Speed: 1.200 mph

Climate Classification: Extreme - Hyper Arid.

Post Terra-form Troposherlc Composition: Nitrogen 76%. Oxygen 20%, Argon 2%. Ozone 1%, Carbon Dioxide 0.2%

Planetary Governor: Lord Uphir Aulis. 19th Ruler of the House Aulis.

Climate: Exclusively hot to very hot. The coolest climates are in the highly mountainous polar regions, although never cold enough for ice to form, the hottest in the deep deserts.

Mean average temperate in the coastal sea region is 35°C (95F), rising to over 50°C (122F) in the deep deserts. Minimal recorded precipitation, less than 1mm per annum.

Nights are extremely cold, with little cloud cover. The major proportion of ihe evaporated water condenses and returns to the surface during the night.

Climatic Regions: Taros is divided into four principle climatic regions; Mountains. Arid Deserts, Semi-Arid Deserts and Seas. Shifting sands and bare rock cover 95% of the planet's surface. The largest region is the mountains. Low mountainous highlands cover 40% of the planet's surface. Heavily eroded, they are not tall, but are extremely rugged. There are no major routes through the mountain regions, and no settlements. They remain an unexplored wilderness.

The second largest regions are the arid deserts. The Great Sand Seas are uninhabitable, and whilst there maybe vast mineral resources buried beneath the logistics of working in such a hostile environment, with very high temperatures, no water supply, high winds and the threat of large sandstorms (see Sand Devils) make it impractical. Most of the deserts remain unexplored wilderness.

Semi-Arid regions, concentrated around the coasts are mostly barren rocky badlands. At ground level strong, sand lilled winds are common. The seas help to mediate Taros' extreme temperatures. Surrounding the small seas are the inhabited areas of semi-arid desert (see the Aestus). These regions are home to the planet's hydro-farmers. There are the two main seas on Taros called the Ak-Sai and Em-Sai. These small, land bound seas are Taros' only source of surface water, and were probably artificially created as part of the planet's terra-forming during the Dark Age of Technology. Today the seas are highly alkaline, but provide two third of the populations water supply from hydro-processing.

Climatic Phenomenon: High altitude air streams and 'Sand Devils'. Hot air rising from the deep deserts collides with the cooler air from over the polar highland mountainous regions. The pressure difference causes a high-speed river of air in the upper atmosphere. This air stream can reach incredible speeds, up to 400 mph. This dominates the climate of Taros. As the small amount of water in the air condenses to form the whispy clouds common to the skies of Taros, in the hottest areas these begin to form localised storm clouds, heavily laden with water vapour. The storm clouds rise on hot thermals. If they meet one of the air streams, the top of the cloud begins to rotate in the fast moving wind. This spinning force radiates down through the cloud, spinning faster and faster to form a hurricane. These hurricanes can be huge and blow for days on the surface of Taros. Sucking up huge amounts of sand these become 'Sand Devils' (local name). Most blow themselves out in the deep deserts, but occasionally Sand Devils destroy water farms or mining facilities.

Terra-forming: Once, in the distance past, Taros was a dead world. Uninhabitable, it was a bare scorched desert wilderness. In the Dark Age of Technology, after discovery of its mineral wealth, it was terra-formed by the introduction of water and genetically engineered flora to produce enough oxygen. This has managed to create an environment that a few humans can survive in.

Flora and Fauna: No native flora. Genetically engineered flora has been imported and survives in the semi-arid zones, as scrub and cactus-like plants. The sea contain toxic algi, which generates most of the planet's oxygen. There is no recorded native fauna

Economy: Almost 12 million souls inhabit Taros, mostly in or around Taros City (Tarokeen), and the semi-arid regions surrounding the small seas Taros city is situated in the Aestus region, where several small land-bound seas are Taros' only surface water. The water is highly alkaline, but hydro-processing plants situated on the shores turn it into drinkable water. This process is aided by the scattered water-farms, which gather moisture from the air. Water farmers sell their produce to the Planetary Governor, via exclusive contracts. The Governor and his officials control all water on Taros, and therefore all life.

Tarokeen is the single largest urban area with the planet's only spaceport facility.

Most workers are miners, working long tours at the strip mines and quarries out in the desert. Other major industries are water-processing and hydro-farming. Hydroponics workers grow food in atmospheric controlled hydroponic plants. Ore transportation is another large industry, moving raw ore from the desert mines to collection points in the city before transportation off-world. Short distance transportation uses manpower (literally labourers carrying a sack each) or tractors towing trains of ore carts. Long distance transportation uses large cargo aircraft.

Ogryn Labour Force:
In M38, as part of the then Planetary Governor's drive to improve productivity he requested an order to import off-world labour in the form of Ogryn colonies ol Jopall. Several thousand of the big abhumans where shipped en-masse to Taros to work in the mines in the most inhospitable desert areas. Very strong and hardy, the Ogryns are well adapted to the physical work of loading, unloading and hauling ore carts. On Taros, Ogryns are still used by many mines as part of the workforce. The last census carried out by the Administratum, some 400 years ago, estimated a population of 10,000 Ogryn scattered across the planet.

Society: Mostly poor mineworkers and labourers operating in 'work gangs'. A high level of technology is maintained, with many tasks automated. Ministorum Galaxia missionaries report little in the way of genetic mutation.

Water Supply: Due to the extreme aridity of the planet water is major resource on Taros. Hydro-farming is an important industry, as is hydro-processing from the alkaline seas. Sea water is processed to make it fit for human consumption. All water trade is centrally controlled by the Planetary Governor through his official 'water-agents'. Processing plants are situated on the coast and purify the water via a three stage process. Hydro-farms are widely scattered across the Aestus region.

Principle Exports: Mineral ores for ferro-alloys, lead, vanadium, rhenium, manganese.

A toxic silvery-white metallic element, occurring in vanadinite, which is red/yellow/brownish mineral formed by the weatherinq of lead ores in desert climates. Used in steel alloys to give extra hardness and as a catalyst in other alloys.

A dense, silvery-white metallic element with a high melting point Occurring in gadolinite and molybdenite. Used In alloy with tungsten in high-temperature thermocouples.

A brittle greyish-white metallic element occurring in manganite - a blackish mineral consisting of a form of manganese oxide. Used in some steels (manganese steels) and other ferromagnetic alloys. Manganese steel is a very hard steel containing 11-14% manganese to product hard wearing tools such as rock crushers, heavy pistons and gun barrels with high tensile properties.

A heavy toxic blue-white metallic element occurring in galena (a bluish-black mineral consisting of lead sulphide). Highly malleable, it is used in alloys for accumulators, cable sheathing and radiation shielding.

A brittle, hard, metallic element that is a ferromagnetic metal, occurs in cobaltite, used in steel alloys to resist corrosion.

Principle Imports: Foodstuff and water

Food Supply: Grown under cover in large, atmospheric controlled hydroponic plants. Many buildings have their own hydroponic plants, but the largest are situated around Tarokeen and in the coastal regions. This provides the population with 80% of their food supply, the other 20% being imported from surrounding worlds. Principle crops are variants of the millet and sorghum plants, members of the grass family, providing highly nutrious grain. Groundnuts, related to the soya bean are a growing source of protein and provide many varied foodstuffs. Some exotic 'off-world' fruits are grown. All crops have evolved to survive on a minimal water supply, which is heavily recycled by the hydoponic plants to prevent wastage. Others sources of vitamins and protein come from algi and marine micro-organisms, harvested from the seas and chemically processed to make an edible gruel, called 'Kreml' by the natives. This is the staple diet of the miners and workers. Other foodstuffs, meats, dairy products and luxury items must be imported, and are the preserve of the top of the social order, officials, mine owners, etc.

Urbanisation: Only one major city exists. Taros city (Tarokeen) has a population of approximately four million. It acts as an ore collection point, the centre of the planet's administration, distribution centre of water and food supplies and other smaller industries. The surrounding hinterland (see the Aestus) has the highest density of hydro-farms and water processing plants and mines, but there are very few other large settlements. Those that do exist are towns built up around the largest strip mining and quarrying operations.

The Aestus: (marked on map). The hinterland of Tarokeen and the populated area around the seas is called 'the Aestus', and is home to approximately 6 million of Taros' population. Living on scattered hydro-farms and temporary mining settlements around the mining facilities such as Tungusta Station, Fornax, Tyndaris, Gaidamak, Sarych Station, Deucalion and Erebus. This area has the most temperate climate on the planet, due to the proximity of the seas and the prevailing wind conditions, hence most people reside here.

Other Geological Features:

Iracunda Isthmus: The strip of land between Ak-sai and the Em-sai on which Tarokeen is situated. It is part of the hinterland of Tarokeen and the most densely populated area outside the city.

Great Sand Sea: The vast empty deserts. The Great Sand Sea is uninhabited, and there are no roads. It is empty except for rolling sand dunes. Huge mineral deposits may still remain undiscovered here, yet to be exploited.

The Furnace:
An area of desert surrounded on all sides by mountains. It is accessible only by aircraft. The highest temperatures on Taros occur in this heat trap.

The Phyyra Heights:
An area of rocky badlands and low hills with a reputation for banditry but lucrative mineral deposits.

Known History of Taros: Imperial records do not detail the early colonisation of Taros. Mostly likely that the planet was discovered in the early years of the Dark Age of Technology. No records specifically refer to the system, but it is known that many systems on the Eastern Fringe of the galaxy were first being explored at this time. On first discovery Taros must have been a dead world, bereft of any life, just a hot desert world of sand and rock. If life ever tried to evolve here it never progressed beyond the level of micro-organisms. The planet had no ground water and very little atmospheric moisture. The atmosphere was not breathable to humans. Conditions were just too harsh to foster life.

But early explorers must have noted that although lifeless now, the planet's ecosystem was not far from being life sustaining. Temperatures were high (in the great deserts very high), but not to the point of making the world uninhabitable. There was some atmospheric moistures, and better still the planet was rich in mineral wealth. Huge quantities of useful ores were present, much of it close to the surface and easily accessible. Their was an stable atmosphere, which could be manipulated. Taros was not beyond hope for colonisation. The draw of the ore deposits made the planet a viable prospect for terraforming. Back in the Dark Age of Technology, Mankind had the technology and knowledge to alter planetary atmospheres and eco­system to create a place capable of habitation by humans. The transformation would not have to be miraclous, they did not need to create a garden world of flowing streams and lush vegetation, but a climate where colonist could survive and mine. Aided by long forgotten advanced science and technology they set about terraforming the lifeless desert world into something human-kind could survive on. It did not happen over night. In fact it may well have taken over 5,000 years of work, but water was introduced to the planet' surface in the form of seas. Specially genetically engineered plants and algae also contributed to the ecosystem, creating oxygen. Careful management and nurturing slowly changed the atmosphere. How this was done is a mystery, but some life now exists on Taros. The first mention of Taros in Imperial achives is in M30, after the Age of Strife. The planet was re-discovered by the armies of the new Imperium as they spread out from Earth, re-conquering the galaxy and reuniting the scattered human colonies that had been sundered by warp storms and wars. Mankind had barely survived on Taros, degenerating into a savage, stone-age tribal living. The population, probably never large, had dwindled to less than one million. In another thousand years, human life on the planet would have been extinct.

Rediscovery of the planet's mineral wealth resulted in the Imperium re-colonising Taros. The regressed colonists were exterminated and new colonists moved in, establishing mining stations and a star port. Over the past ten thousand years of the Imperium's rule Taros' population has steadily grown to its current level of approximately 12 million souls. One major city has developed, around the star port. Metal ore mining is still the planet's main function.

Imperial Guard Recruitment:
Departmento Munitorum records show that in the 10,000 year history of the Imperium (and it should be borne in mind that records are incomplete) Taros has raised only eight Imperial Guard regiments. The Taronian 1st was annihilated during the 3rd Black Crusade. The Taronian 2nd and 3rd served as part of the St Saen Crusade, and were eventually disbanded, with survivors being folded into another Imperial Guard regiment. The fate of the Taronian 4th and 5th are unknown, records do not tell. The Taronian 6th was heavily engaged against Ork during Waaagh! Badun, and later was disbanded, with the surviving manpower being turned over to the 15th Cadian regiment as replacements. The 7th regiment was lost as part of Rogue Trader Foulway Tor's third expedition into the Eastern Fringes. The 8th regiment is currently active as part of the garrison force of Hellion IV.